Backcountry Ski Camp

After months of anticipation around my Women’s Backcountry Ski Camp it is finally over! I am relieved to have the experience behind me and am pleased to report that I came away with an appreciation for the backcountry and an admiration for people who care to spend time back there – I can certainly see the …

A Disappointing Ski Season

Well it’s mid-January and our ski season has barely started. Sure, we’ve got six ski days under our belt so far, but there hasn’t been a single weekend yet this winter where we’ve gone skiing like a normal ski day. Why, you ask? Well mother nature is cursing the Pacific Northwest skiers, apparently. She throws these …

2014… A Year in Review

2014 has been a year to remember. I think it’s safe to say that it has been our busiest year ever, filled with trips, new experiences, strengthened friendships and a lot more sunshine than usual. The year started with a crummy ski season and a reeeeaallyyy bad case of the flu. The 2013-2014 ski season …

Feeling Blessed

I have been working really hard to prepare for our impending holiday party and the arrival of our family for Christmas. While I was busily chipping away at my to-do list yesterday I found myself staring at all of the holiday cards we have received so far this year. It was humbling to step back and …

Our Skiing Evolution

As we patiently await the start to the 2014-2015 ski season Alex and I have been recalling just how far we have come as skiers over the last several years. We also realized that we are entering our seventh ski season in Washington, making that Alex’s eighth overall ski season. Somehow I had a lot of confidence as a …