Ben is Two Months Old!

Ben turned two months old on July 31st! And according to his doctor yesterday, he’s acting like a two month old and not like a preemie. That was music to our ears! Overall, Ben is doing exceptionally well. His height is officially “on” the charts {2nd percentile} and his doctor told us at his next …

The Next Mr Allen!

We’ve officially reached the halfway point {well, halfway to my due date… who knows when the babe will actually arrive} and are overjoyed to announce we’ll be welcoming a little MAN into our family this summer! We found out in our ultrasound last week that we’re having a boy! Five Month Stats: “How are you feeling?”: …

Our Mexican Thanksgiving

This year for Thanksgiving we did something a little different… We went to Mexico! Thanksgiving is a holiday we typically spend with Alex’s family because his sister and her husband are usually in Italy for Christmas {her husband is from Italy}. This year we picked Mexico because Alex’s parents wanted to take a trip with …

A Fall-ish Weekend at Home

This last weekend sure felt like fall and Alex and I were thrilled to have spent it at home. There is a definite crispness in the air. I brought back the down comforter for our bed since the evenings are getting really chilly.  Alex and I have both pulled out our puffy vests and I got myself …

Nancy’s Summer Visit to Seattle

My mom came to visit and watch me run my half marathon this last weekend. It was great to have her out here for a long weekend – she really lucked out on weather, too! Friday night after she arrived we went out for dinner at Bottlehouse, of course. It was a crowded evening there, …

San Juan Islands & Alex’s Parents’ Visit

Our late summer saga continues with this weekend’s visit of my mom, but let me back up and tell you about the last two weeks where Alex’s parents came to visit… Now that Stan is retired and Donna is semi-retired they have a little more time to dedicate to traveling, so they came out to …

Midwest Summer Trip

Alex and I just returned from a ten day jaunt around the Midwest. We bounced around from place to place in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota and ultimately ended up staying in six cities across the three states. The primary purpose of our trip was to attend a wedding in Illinois one weekend and a wedding in Minnesota the following. We decided to …