We’ve officially reached the halfway point {well, halfway to my due date… who knows when the babe will actually arrive} and are overjoyed to announce we’ll be welcoming a little MAN into our family this summer! We found out in our ultrasound last week that we’re having a boy!

Five Month Stats:
- “How are you feeling?”: (still the #1 question – yes I’m getting tired of it!) just fine, thank you!
- Food cravings: Still loving cheese, particularly cottage cheese. No cravings per se. Salted caramel gelato is absolutely amazing, though.
- Weight gain: 6 pounds
- Baby’s heart rate: 137 beats per minute
- Pregnancy symptoms: A growing belly! I’ve been sleeping a lot better the last few nights and have started to transition to sleeping on my side. I’ve been either feeling the baby move or getting some braxton-hicks contractions. Not really sure at this point!
- Doctor’s appointments: Had my 19-week ultrasound last week and 20-week check-up yesterday. Everything looks great with baby!
- Medical concerns: Our ultrasound ruled out microcephaly, but I’m awaiting the results back from some blood work to test if I ever had zika.
- Highlights at this point: Finding out we’re having a boy was probably the most exciting moment of the pregnancy. It’s been so fun to imagine what our lives will be like with a son. Everything feels more concrete now. Just this week I’ve had kids and adults ask me if I was pregnant, so it’s been fun to actually look pregnant now. It still really depends on what I’m wearing though.
- What I’m excited for: Obviously meeting the baby, but I’m looking forward to starting to put together the nursery. We still haven’t bought a single thing for him!
- Downsides at this point: ?
- Things I miss: Nothing much right now. Sometimes wine, not often though.
- Things we’ve done to prepare for baby: Finally we finalized our “baby list” and made some big decisions about the baby stuff we intend on purchasing. We’ve started reading books about caring for babies and being parents of a newborn.
- Name ideas: Send them our way! We have no idea what to name our boy.
- Nursery ideas: Our nursery will be a modern mountain theme with soft grays and blues.