A Fall-ish Weekend at Home

This last weekend sure felt like fall and Alex and I were thrilled to have spent it at home. There is a definite crispness in the air. I brought back the down comforter for our bed since the evenings are getting really chilly.  Alex and I have both pulled out our puffy vests and I got myself a new cozy scarf for the occasion. The leaves are just starting to turn, so my fingers are crossed that the next few weeks will be filled with glorious autumn color.

{selfie with my new plaid scarf!}
{selfie with my new plaid scarf!}

In keeping with the fall-theme, I have been making some of my favorite fall foods: pumpkin bread, pulled pork, chili and stuffed squash.


{slow-cooker pulled pork is one of my all-time favorites!}
{slow-cooker pulled pork is one of my all-time favorites!}
{we decided to become Seahawks fans this year, so last night we hung out on the couch with full bowls of chili}
{we decided to become Seahawks fans this year, so last night we hung out on the couch with full bowls of chili}

During our relaxing weekend I had two jaunts through the arboretum – one was my first “fun run” since my half marathon last weekend, and the other was a really nice walk with my cousin, Chris, and his family.

{super adorable and unbelievably happy little family!}
{super adorable and unbelievably happy little family!}
{baby Henry is going on 6 months already!}
{baby Henry is going on 6 months already!}
{fun to do a side-by-side comparison of my first 5-mile training run two months ago against Saturday's 5-mile run. During my actual training, my 5-mile run was one of the hardest to complete. Once I pushed past it, it was smooth sailing}
{fun to do a side-by-side comparison of my first 5-mile training run two months ago against Saturday’s 5-mile run. During my actual training, my 5-mile run was one of the hardest to complete. Once I pushed past it, it was smooth sailing}

The last several weeks have been big decision weeks for our house. Alex and I are currently undergoing a major home decor renovation and in about a month from now we will be starting our bathroom remodel. Here are a couple of sneak peeks – more to come in early-October:

{Jackson claimed the new pillows on the sofa}
{Jackson claimed the new pillows on the sofa in the living room}
{Major reveal! New dining room rug and chandelier, as well as all new tabletop stuff: napkins, rings, place mats and candles}
{Major reveal! New dining room rug and chandelier, as well as all new tabletop stuff: napkins, rings, place mats and candles}
{tile decisions... stay tuned to see the finished product in November!}
{tile decisions… stay tuned to see the finished product in November!}
{my homemade spider repellent! here in Seattle we have freaking gigantic spiders and I don't care for them in my house. I think I've seen almost 10 in the last 2 weeks, so I'm done with that. here's hoping this repellent will keep the creepy crawlies creepy crawling outside!}
{my homemade spider repellent! here in Seattle we have freaking gigantic spiders and I don’t care for them in my house. I think I’ve seen almost 10 in the last 2 weeks, so I’m done with that. here’s hoping this repellent will keep the creepy crawlies creepy crawling outside!}

Life has finally settled down for us, and all is well. It was really nice to catch up on small projects around our house over the weekend and we’re looking forward to a relaxing, low-key fall and winter.

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