It was our original plan to celebrate our recent milestone of spending a decade together by taking a fun trip. Given our travel schedule this summer we decided to lay low and have a “staycation” in the Seattle area instead. This past weekend we had an awesome Friday night at home, then packed up our overnight bags and drove 25 minutes to the town of Woodinville for a romantic weekend “away.”

As a kick-starter to our weekend, we popped a special bottle of wine on Friday night and had a fun night at home reminiscing on the last decade, pumping up the jams and just enjoying each other’s company.

Our friends Mary and Ryan met us in Woodinville with two of their friends who were visiting from Kansas City and we toured three different wineries. We started with JM Cellars, which Alex and I hadn’t ever been to. JM wins in ambiance but lost, in our books, in the wine department. We loved the woodsy surroundings that JM offered but were underwhelmed by the wines. Perhaps their new release needs a liiiiitle more time in the bottle?
On to Darby! The Millers are wine club members at Darby and boy can we see why! We loved all of the wines at Darby. The best part, though, was that the sun made an unexpected cameo and we got to sit outside.
We stopped at The Commons for a quick lunch and glass of bubbly before heading on to Dusted Valley. Alex and I had previously visited Dusted Valley in Walla Walla with his parents over Labor Day weekend and we just loved their wine. Simply amazing.
After our fun afternoon of tasting wine with old and new friends we parted ways and headed to the hotel, Willows Lodge, to get checked in. Alex and I were both exhausted so we took a quick snooze before our 8:00 dinner reservations at Barking Frog. Embarrassingly, when we woke up we were both still so tired and not hungry that we didn’t even go out for dinner! We just curled up on the king size bed, flipped on the fireplace and watched a movie. As lame as that sounds it was actually really nice! Our movies at home are few and far between, and when they do happen, they’re frequently interrupted by a particular animal demanding our attention. It was very nice to have some uninterrupted chill time.
The next morning rocked. We had coffee in bed in front of the fireplace, we got to sit around in bathrobes just hanging out chatting together, then we went for a walk without getting our arm pulled out of its socket, and someone else made us an amazing breakfast. I think Sunday morning was my favorite part of the whole weekend.
Even when we spend a lot of time together it’s rare when we get a chance to have hours upon hours of time where we just have a conversation. I so cherish those moments whenever we can get them. We were so happy to pick up Jackson and get back to Henry and our house after our little weekend getaway, but it was certainly nice to have a break from normalcy.