Well, it’s officially fall here in Seattle. The leaves have finally started to turn. Seattleites have begun to retreat under their hoods. The days are growing so short. The rain is kind of back. And I am feeling busier than a one-armed paper hanger.

The last week has been fairly low-key in some respects, but crazy in others. We are adjusting to my new work schedule. My main job is managing an after school tutoring program, which just started up again last week, so I am now out of the house from mid-afternoon until at least 6:00. Once or twice a week I do a Pilates class at 6:00, which means if I go straight from work to Pilates I won’t get home until just after 7. The new schedule will be just fine, but it’s requiring a bit of finesse in terms of managing our pup and his high energy level, as well as figuring out how dinner is going to end up on the table.

We have been re-focusing on Jackson’s training as of late. Our dog trainer is coming back for a check in soon, thankfully, because we have a rebellious teenager on our hands! With the major change in daylight these days and my schedule change we have made some big modifications in our daily schedule with keeping J man exercised.

Speaking of exercise, our day today started out with a nice run. It was great until we arrived home and as I was unlocking the door Alex asked what was on my leg, only to discover that Jackson had previously bitten at least 10 holes in the bum of my running tights. I have no idea how I didn’t realize this when I was putting them on or running in them, especially because the holes are a decent size, but yeah, sorry to anyone who was behind me on the sidewalk today!
In other news, last week I went to the eye doctor regarding my lazy eye and headaches. I had a terrible experience with the doctor and have sworn off Swedish Medical Center for good. But, the good news is based on me being my own doctor {I just told the DF what to do} my eyes are doing a lot better {not 100%} and I will be the proud owner of some new specs any day now…
We are gearing up for a big Octoberfest celebration this weekend! Can’t wait for pretzels, sausage, chilly fall temps, Ryan’s sauerbraten and a great weekend with our friends. Stay tuned for highlights!