We Moved to the Mountains!

I can’t imagine this will come as too much of a surprise to anyone, but we moved to our mountain house! With everything going on, plus getting a new computer I haven’t figured out yet, I haven’t stayed on top of the blog. Here’s my attempt at catching up!

Long story short, the kids and I are getting settled out here in the mountains and Alex is doing a bit of back and forth to Seattle. He’s at the tail end of clearing out the house and getting it ready to sell in early June.

We realized quite quickly after we had spent six months in the mountains at the beginning of the pandemic then transitioned back to Seattle that we all were significantly happier in the mountains.

We’ve been planning the move for several months now and held off until spring so Ben could (almost) finish out his school year in Seattle. We were all beyond ready to make the move so we pulled the plug and bumped our move date up by about six weeks.

It’s a little funny moving to a house we already “live” in. Our mountain house, now our home, was set up from day one to be lived in.

Over the last five or six months we’ve been going through our Seattle house and eliminating as much as we possibly. It’s been no easy feat. The merging of two houses worth of stuff is mind boggling. Our closets are bursting at the seams.

Conveniently, we’re days (weeks?) away from breaking ground on a garage with a guesthouse. We’re able to bring all of our kitchen utensils and supplies and we’ll have plenty of storage once the garage is finished.

All four of us are over the moon about starting our new, permanent life here in our mountain paradise.

Our home is located in an unincorporated town outside of Leavenworth, Washington. Leavenworth is an unbelievably charming Bavarian-themed town, nestled in the Cascade Mountains. We’re quite removed from the tourism and are quietly surrounded by ponderosa pines, epic views and a close-knit community of around 1,000 people.

The nearest major grocery store is in town (Leavenworth), about 25 minutes away. Costco and Target are about an hour away. Ben will begin Kindergarten this fall in a literal two-room schoolhouse. It’s going to be quite a change, but one we’re mostly used to at this point.

The mountains have been at the center of our life since we moved out to Seattle in 2008. I just never expected it would be possible to settle or find work here, nor did I imagine how at home it would feel. It’s absolutely perfect.