This Week’s Happenings

It has been a busy week back since we returned from our trip to Mexico! Our pets were very happy to have us back home – they’ve both been extra cuddly and sweet this week. We’ve got to be getting closer to the moment of walking into our bedroom and finding Henry snuggled up with Jackson on the bed. I swear it’s going to happen!

{These two have been pallin' around all week. It's super sweet!}
{These two have been pallin’ around all week. It’s super sweet!}
{Who knew Henry would be the one to love the new bathroom floor the most!?}
{Who knew Henry would be the one to love the new bathroom floor the most!?}

While we were in Mexico we received the very surprising news that our very good friends Mary and Ryan had their twin boys! They arrived six weeks early, which isn’t too uncommon for twins, of course, but we hadn’t quite mentally prepared for them to come so soon.

{This was really the first time Mary and Ryan got to look at their boys side-by-side and compare how similar their features are.}
{This was really the first time Mary and Ryan got to look at their boys side-by-side and compare how similar their features are.}

Both boys, Oliver and August, are doing fantastic and they even got to go home today, after only a week in the hospital. They weighed 4 pounds 8 ounces and 4 pounds 2 ounces {I think!}, respectively, when they were born. We got the pleasure of meeting the boys on Wednesday evening and we had the bigger pleasure of seeing them be reunited for the first time since their birth! We are so excited for our friends and can’t wait to watch these two boys grow up.

{I believe Oliver is on the left and August is on the right.}
{The sweet peanuts! August is on the left and Oliver is on the right.}

I’ve been feeling rather festive this week so I pulled out the holiday decorations and got our house looking a little more Christmasy. We’ve still got to get a few things for the outside and hang some lights, but we’re pretty close. Now if someone would hand me a plate Christmas cookies, we’d be all good! {Or maybe I’ll just go make some…}

{Henry was being a helper as I decorated.}
{Henry was being a helper as I decorated.}
{One of my favorites - my friend Carrie made the wreath for me last Christmas!}
{One of my favorites – my friend Carrie made the wreath for me last Christmas!}
{Our Christmas card wall is looking pretty pathetic... here's some motivation to send your holiday cards, friends! And yes, ours will be in the mail very shortly!}
{Our Christmas card wall is looking pretty pathetic… here’s some motivation to send your holiday cards, friends! And yes, ours will be in the mail very shortly!}

The weather in Seattle has been pretty dismal this week, but, our silver lining during the dreary winter days is that when it rains here it snows in the mountains! We’re planning on trekking up to Crystal Mountain this weekend to take advantage of the snow and get a few runs in. I think we’ll bring Jackson with us so he can run around in the snow too!

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