Last weekend started on Thursday night when we decided to head to Bottlehouse for the evening – big surprise, I know. It was “new menu” day, which is always a really fun day to be there because the staff is really excited to share the new wines they helped select or the new food that Jed cooked up. On this particular day Sam was behind the bar and he poured us a variety of blind tastes so we could tour the new wine list.
I love blind tastes, even though I seldom get them right, but it’s just fun to really think about the wine you’re drinking and try to guess the vintage, if it’s old world or new world and the varietals. I have better luck with white wines, which is funny because I rarely drink white wines. We had a really nice evening and a great start to the weekend.

The weather on Friday was amazing. Alex rode his bike to and from work and came home with a new biking backpack.

The forecast for Saturday looked incredible so Alex and I hopped on our bikes and rode out to Woodinville. The ride was really nice – the Burke Gilman trail hugs the northwest side of Lake Washington for a while before it hooks up with the Sammamish River trail, which, you guessed it, runs alongside the Sammamish River.

The bike ride took a little more than an hour to get us to Woodinville. We drove north from our house about 5 miles to make it a 13-mile bike ride instead of 18-miles one way. Alex could have ridden his bike back and forth between Woodinville twice by the time I could have made it one way with the pace I was going. Needless to say, I was very happy when we arrived in Woodinville. We stopped at Redhook Brewery for lunch out on the patio before turning around to make the sloowwww trek back.
After we got cleaned up we headed over to our friends’ Ryan and Mary’s house for dinner. Carrie and Patrick were there to enjoy the evening with us, as well. It was such a nice night and the Millers have a beautiful backyard, so it was perfect. We always have such a good time with these friends!
Since we had a day of fun on Saturday we honed in and got some work done on Sunday. While I was at a Pilates class on Mercer Island, Alex met Ryan and Mary and their dog, Berkeley, over at the Mercer Island dog park with Jackson, then we came home and got straight to work. I spent a few hours weeding while Alex cleaned up the yard and scrubbed our back steps and patio. We can’t wait to redo our backyard, though we’ve decided to put it off until later this summer.
This week has been fairly low-key, though it has seemed busy for some reason. Now we’re looking forward to Alex’s big birthday weekend!