It’s really starting to feel like we live in a zoo with all of our furry friends running wild through the house. Jackson is becoming more and more energetic and just plain crazy and Oliver has enough spastic energy for 19 cats, so it’s seeming a bit nuts under our roof these days. I’m not really sure how the days and the weeks have been passing so fast because it doesn’t seem like we have a whole lot going on, but I guess we do!

Last week my focus was on keeping little Jackson occupied and tired. He had puppy play group, a couple play dates, puppy class and went to his first day at doggie daycare. Hopefully it will pay off today and he’ll be a sweet, tired little pup. He has been much more comfortable with meeting new dogs lately and has integrated himself into a variety of new situations quite gracefully.

Jackson is growing so fast – he’s over 22 pounds now and I swear he added a foot to his length overnight. He is 12 weeks now and has hit that super fun stage where all he wants to do is bite us… We are hoping that will pass VERY fast! It’s a very difficult phase to endure, as it wears on our patience and results in ripped clothing and an increased desire for wine. I’m hoping the “terrible 12s” will be over just as quickly as it started.

Last night while Jackson was sleeping off his day at daycare Alex and I had a little date night at a new restaurant called 8 oz Burger Bar in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It is, of course, a burger restaurant. We love burgers but this place didn’t do it for us. I had purchased an online deal earlier in the week and we were glad we had the deal, otherwise our bill would have been $57. At a burger place. The food was good, not great, and the service and timing was just terrible. We do have something that we know will be great tonight/this afternoon, though. We’re going to celebrate Bottlehouse’s third birthday on their fabulous patio – the weather is incredible in Seattle today, so it will be a perfect BH patio day.

I’ve been getting requests from a few friends to share my weekly menus… so I’ll try to do that via my blog. Most of the recipes are from my Pinterest page under “What’s for Dinner” or “Brunch” or “Lunch Ideas.” Tomorrow is my first day to pick up this summer’s CSA {Community Supported Agriculture} box and I’ve got a lot of goodies that I’m looking forward to, including Shiitake mushrooms, bok choy, strawberries, asparagus, shelling peas and apples. I do a “choice” CSA box, so I get to hop on the farm’s website each week and see what is fresh and then pick 9 items to have in my weekly box that I pick up 6 blocks from our house on Sunday afternoons from now to November. The choice factor helps me plan my meals for the week, which is why I don’t opt for the random box that the farmers just put together.
Here is the menu for the upcoming week:

I get my menu tablets here. And I have a weekly grocery list that I get here. If you want more information about CSAs, check this out, and here is my CSA.