Today is Ben’s third birthday! We are so excited to be celebrating our three-year old this weekend. He is such a joy and it has been so fun watching him turn into such a big kid lately. I’ll do a big post about what’s going on with Ben after his 3-year well child checkup so I can include his up-to-date measurements. For now, I’m sending my sweet boy some big birthday hugs! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Ben in his fourth year.
Here are some of my favorite photos that tell the story of Ben’s first three years:
{Ben was born at 33 weeks 2 days and weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces. He was so tiny I could stick him down my shirt for Kangaroo Care while he was in the NICU.}{One of the best moments of his life was when we took Ben home from the NICU after 26 days!}{Six months in and Ben was sitting up on his own, eating all of the food and was showing us signs of his sweet, fun demeanor.}{Ben has always been very physical and has excelled in gross motor skills. We noticed from a very early age that he would continuously practice new skills as a way to perfect them.}{This is one of my all-time favorite pictures of Ben. It captures his sweet smile and joy. He’s always been such a happy kid!}{We joke that Ben never learned to walk – he just learned to run. Honestly…}{So dang cute!}{Ben asked Alex to take a picture with him – Ben was 21 months here and his little personality was really starting to emerge on our family trip to Arizona.}{This kid is an adrenaline junkie!}{So full of giggles and this kid loves his milk. Gosh, his laugh is the best.}{One of my favorites. Mr. Ben is the best big brother – even from the very beginning. He melts my heart how stinking sweet he is with his baby sister. It’s every mama’s dream.}{We love our coffee dates!}{We are so proud of this kid and his love for riding his bike. He has been working so hard to learn this skill.}{Ben can be so, so serious and so carefree and entertaining. His personality tows both ends of the spectrum really nicely.}{2 1/2 was a freaking blast. Ben in the snow as a 2.5 year old was basically the best thing ever. Watching the pure joy and enjoyment of him playing in the snow was a highlight of my life.}{2 1/2 and skiing independently – gosh, this kid!}{One of my favorites – these two melt my heart. I love when Ben comes and lies down and plays with his sister. They are the sweetest!}{Such a cool kid!}{In the middle of our photo shoot Ben launched himself off of the ottoman, being true to form. Our amazing photographer captured it, along with his shadow, in the most perfect and natural way. This is Ben.}{This is also Ben. One of the other moms at our preschool calls him a rocket!}{This kid. He couldn’t be more amazing if he tried! Happy birthday, buddy!}