The time has finally arrived for us to get ready to move into The Lodge!
Our builder must have called in a lot of favors last week because the house is nearly done. As of Monday, most of the trades wrapped up and closed up their job at The Lodge. There are still a lot of really little things to get done, along with a few not-so-little things, and come this weekend, it seems like it’ll be ready for us!
Last weekend Alex rented a 6’x12′ Uhaul and we filled it with all of the boxes from our house. We had expected to make two trips back and forth to bring all of the boxes. Much to our surprise, Alex’s tetris’ skills saved the day and we fit everything in the first load.
The purpose of Alex’s trip was to bring all of the boxes to the house, stay the night and receive the first and main furniture delivery from Room & Board. So much had been done since I had seen the house the week prior! Check it out:

The next time we go up there it will be together as a family to move in for real. It’s going to be a long process, I can tell, and we are so ready!