Spring has arrived in Seattle and it is truly a blessing. Usually I feel like we get gypped with our springs because it still consistently rains through the 4th of July. Ask any Seattleite when summer begins and they’ll tell you it’s on July 5th! I think that Seattle gets 9 months of winter and then 3 months of summer and really not much of a spring or fall. Either way, this spring truly feels like spring and I’m enjoying every minute of it!
Before the weather changed, Alex and I came up with two enormous lists of “spring projects” to do around the house – some inside and a lot outside. Last summer we re-did our backyard and this summer we have some touch up projects to do back there – pretty easy stuff but each item on our to do list has a lot more steps than one might realize. We got started before we went to Hawaii by spreading out some new top soil as a way to level out the yard and prevent large puddles from forming in low spots. We planted some grass seed and it is taking its time coming in.
Yesterday Alex started digging out one of the corners of the yard to remove the top layer of clay soil so we can replace it with nicer top soil, which he is doing as I sit here and write this post {what a good helper I am!}. Since it’s such a small section we decided that we’re going to lay sod instead of going the grass seed route.
I was busy all day Friday and Saturday weeding and planting flowers and getting the patio and porch ready for sunshine.
I put out the cushions on the patio chairs, wiped down the table {for the second time this spring!} and added some potted flowers {gerber daisies} to the table. This was just in time to have Jamie over for dinner on Monday night and use up the last of our charcoal from last summer.
Don’t worry! I stocked up on charcoal, so we’ll be good to go for a while. We love, love, love our charcoal grill. In an ideal world, we’d have both charcoal and gas, but we just so prefer the flavor of charcoal. Of course having a gas grill adds an amazing convenience factor to the situation.
Hopefully by next weekend our backyard will be ready for our little pup to terrorize! We can’t wait to watch little Jackson grow up, play fetch and hang out in our backyard.
The beautiful weather has been proving to be quite the source of motivation for me keeping up with running and Alex getting his miles in on his bike to train for his big 200 mile bike ride in July. I’ve been running 2-4 times per week, usually 2-3.5 miles per run and have been loving it – who knew! I have an app on my phone called Runtastic that tracks all of my runs and tells me my average speed, my pace per mile and allows me to make notes about how I feel. I love it! And Alex blows my running progress out of the water by biking 50-60 miles like it ain’t no thing.
Hopefully spring will stay in Seattle through May and June! What a wonderful year we’ve had with weather.