I can officially say “I’m six months pregnant!” now, which certainly sounds real! Now that I’ve reached that point, the most exciting thing is that the baby has reached the point of being viable outside of the womb. Hopefully he still won’t make his arrival until July!
Six Month Stats:
- “How are you feeling?”: Still just fine… 🙂 I’ve been sleeping really well the last week or two and that has been amazing. I know that’s not going to last forever so I’m enjoying it while it does!
- Food cravings: I feel like I eat constantly but I really haven’t ever gotten a major craving for anything. Cottage cheese is still my go-to snack.
- Weight gain:12 pounds
- Baby’s heart rate: 132 beats per minute
- Pregnancy symptoms: A growing belly is about the biggest “symptom” I’m experiencing right now! I’ve had acid reflux for a while and I get REALLY winded walking up a hill or up the stairs, but otherwise, I feel great!
- Doctor’s appointments: Had one today and my next one shouldn’t be until 28 weeks {so 4 weeks from now}.
- Medical concerns: No concerns. I got my Zika test results yesterday and, as expected, they were negative. Around 28 weeks I’ll transition to having appointments every 2 weeks and I’ll have another ultrasound, get my Tdap and RhoGam shots and get tested for gestational diabetes, so I’ve got that to look forward to.
- Exercise: I take Jackson for 2 walks a day, which is fantastic. In addition, I’ve been going to a prenatal yoga class once a week and a prenatal Pilates class once a week. I’d like to go to yoga more often but it’s hard to work it into my schedule. Once it stops raining I plan on walking to/from my classes for some extra cardio {a very hilly mile to both!}.
- Highlights at this point: It’s been fun to start receiving gifts and things for our little man. It has been amazing to still being able to ski while being pregnant – I don’t feel pregnant while skiing {until I bend over!} and that’s nice. I love feeling the baby move – he’s been a wiggle worm lately. The first time I felt him move with certainty {around 21 weeks} I had the computer on my lap and was listening to Taylor Swift and felt him kick. I think we’ve got a future Swiftie on our hands!
- What I’m excited for: Right now I’m really looking forward to putting the nursery together soon.
- Downsides at this point: Really can’t think of anything?!
- Things I miss: runny eggs, medium rare steak and drinking as much coffee as I want.
- Things we’ve done to prepare for baby: We signed up for a birth class, which takes place in June. I bought an adorable onesie for him, but otherwise have been restraining. I just finished reading “Bringing up Bebe” and loved it. Now onto the next book…
- Name ideas: My lips are sealed but we have two top choices for a name and at this point we may wait to make the final choice until we meet him.
- Nursery ideas: Our nursery will be a modern mountain theme with soft grays and blues. We’ve got our crib and bookshelf and have ordered our rocker, so we’re making progress. Painting in our house should start next week and after that’s done we can start to transition the media room into the nursery and get things set up!
- PSA: Per my doctor, if you are planning on spending time with this child once he arrives, please make sure that you’re up-to-date on your vaccines, particularly the Tdap! Consider this your warning 🙂