Life is too Short

Today has been a very sad day for the Allens. Our cuddly, wild, spastic cat Oliver got hit by a car outside our house and died right away. It’s a good thing I have a big heart filled with love for our four legged friends because these animals we have totally dominate my heart. Unfortunately two of them have broken it. I know that time will help put the pieces back together but for the time being I am just very sad at the loss of my beloved Oliver.

Love this little guy.
Love this little guy.

Both Alex and I just knew that Oliver wasn’t going to have a long life. He had so many close calls that it’s a miracle he allowed us to share two years of memories with him. Something just told us that he wasn’t going to be a cat that lived to be 20. This morning was the final straw, I guess.

He had all sorts of crafty tricks up his sleeves.
He had all sorts of crafty tricks up his sleeves.

Losing Oliver is hard enough to deal with on its own, but if it’s possible to have your heart broken twice in one day, Henry, Oliver’s littermate, is succeeding at breaking my heart as well. He knows something happened to Oliver and he can’t find him. It is crushing me to watch him looking all over for his little brother, wondering what’s going on. The first time Henry came outside after we buried Oliver in our backyard, he walked straight to the spot where Oliver is resting and it was as if he knew that’s where Oliver is, but still remains confused. I am so sad for Henry.

These two were so close to each other. It devastates me to think of how Henry is doing.
These two were so close to each other. It devastates me to think of how Henry is doing.

Now that we have had to say good bye to our puppy and our young cat in the same year we have certainly learned that life is short and that you really need to savor every moment of it. You just never know – my life changed in an instant this morning.

One of Oliver's favorite places to sleep in the winter - our ski gear basket. It was the perfect vantage point for him to look outside in the backyard.
One of Oliver’s favorite places to sleep in the winter – our ski gear basket. It was the perfect vantage point for him to look outside in the backyard.

I will miss Oliver so unbelievably much. He was the cuddliest little cat a person could imagine. He was so needy and loving and constantly wanted attention and cuddles. At night Oliver would either sleep in my arms with his head on my shoulder or down at the end of the bed curled up with his brother. Oliver was such an acrobat. He could climb trees and jump like it was nobody’s business. But most of all, I will miss the joy he brought to me.

Cuddles with the baby cat.
Cuddles with the baby cats.


It’s incredible to me how people and animals can form such a bond, and my bond with Oliver and love for him will never be forgotten.

Alex and the kittens
Alex and the kittens

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