Somehow our little pup is now four months old?! I’m not sure when that happened, but he is sure getting big and is acting {sometimes} like a mature young dog.

Some fun facts about 4 month-old Jackson:
- The shower is still his favorite place to hang out and sleep.
- Jackson is teething – most of his adult teeth are in now and his sharp puppy teeth have almost all fallen out.
- Walking, laying in the grass, being outside, riding in the car and spending time with Alex and me are some of Jackson’s favorite activities. We’re hoping that playing fetch makes it to this list soon!
- He can sit, stand, touch, high five, shake, come, and lay down on command. I’m expecting that “stay” and “get off the couch” will be added to his list of tricks soon.
- By some miracle Jackson doesn’t sleep in his crate anymore. It’s been over a week since he’s been in his crate – most nights he is in the bathroom with a gate up over the door, but after our camping trip where he slept in the tent with us, we’re ready to put the crate away.
- As of Monday, Jackson weighs 36 pounds.
- He started wearing his “medium” collar last week and the “medium” harness the week before.
- Jackson is officially a fully-vaccinated pup! He got his rabies and final booster on Monday.
- His fur has changed completely since we got him – he is much less fluffy and now has a thicker, darker coat. His legs and tail are starting to feather, or as the vet tech says “his pants are coming in!”

I can’t believe how much he has grown, changed and developed over the last ten weeks! He sure has changed our lives – definitely for the better. We are really excited to see what else he has in store for us.