Holy cow… The third trimester has arrived! I have a feeling time is going to start FLYING. We’ve got lots of plans coming up and lots we still need to do to get ready for the arrival of baby Allen, but here’s what’s happening now.

Seven Month Stats:
- “How are you feeling?”: Just fine!
- Food cravings: None – I eat a lot, but it’s all standard fare.
- Weight gain: 19 pounds. Supposedly weight gain tapers off a little bit in the third trimester, so I’m hoping to keep this to a minimum.
- Baby’s heart rate: 132 beats per minute today.
- Pregnancy symptoms: I’d say the worst are heartburn and nosebleeds. I also sound like I ran up 70 flights of stairs when I walk up a hill, thanks to the babe squishing my lungs. I’ve been getting a bit of a sore back lately after walking too far, and I’m definitely starting to tire more easily. I’ve still been sleeping really well and hoping that keeps up for as long as possible!
- Doctor’s appointments: I had my 28-week visit today. Babe is doing well and is measuring on the small side at this point. I need to go back in within the next week for my Tdap shot, as well as my Rhogam shot {special shot because of my blood type} and have to get tested for gestational diabetes. For the next month and a half I will have appointments every two weeks, then around 34 weeks I’ll switch to weekly appointments. At my last doctor’s visit I was informed that the clinic is moving to a new location, which I am less than pleased with. It’s extremely inconvenient for me, so I’m really disappointed.
- Medical concerns: None.
- Exercise: Prenatal Pilates once a week and prenatal yoga at least once a week, along with two dog walks each day. Contemplating going for a short run this week!? The weather has been gorgeous so I’ve been walking to Pilates and yoga, which offers a nice added hilly walk.
- Highlights at this point: Putting together the nursery has been really fun. We’ve done a lot to get ready for the kid this last month – each month it seems like it’s something different. Separately, I really enjoy feeling the little flutter in my belly when the babe is wiggling around in there.
- What I’m excited for: Getting the nursery completed and our house ready for the babe, having both my family and Alex’s family coming out in just over a week for my baby shower, and getting closer to my due date…
- Downsides at this point: See pregnancy symptoms.
- Things I miss: I’ve been wanting more than my allotted one cup of coffee each day lately, so I do miss being able to drink as much coffee as I want. I also miss sleeping on my back, but I have been sleeping really well lately, which has been amazing. As much as I enjoy shopping, I miss not feeling like I always “need” something new, like a pair of shorts because I don’t have any maternity shorts, or a pair of maternity leggings for working out in, etc.
- Things we’ve done to prepare for baby: Lots this month! We signed up for a PEPS group {parent education/social group for new parents} and have been continuing to read and talk about how to raise this blessed child. The big stuff in the nursery is almost complete – we just need to hang the decor on the walls once we get everything in place.
- Name ideas: My lips are sealed but we have two top choices for a name and at this point we may wait to make the final choice until we meet him. My favorite changes each week!
- Nursery ideas: Our nursery will be a modern mountain theme with soft grays and blues. It’s coming together quite nicely.