Bathroom Update 9.0

Just in the nick of time for our holiday party we had our bathroom countertop and sink installed. We were kind of sweating bullets over whether we would have a counter or not. In reality it’s not that big of a deal, but we are just so proud of our bathroom that we wanted our friends to be able to come over and see it in its finished {or mostly finished} state for our party.

{Checking out the countertop for the first time!}
{Checking out the countertop for the first time!}

Thankfully the counter place cooperated and was able to work with our timing and get the countertop installed on Friday afternoon – the day before our party! Alex spent a couple hours plumbing the sink that evening and then we had a counter and a sink for the first time in two months!!!

{Our master plumber ;) }
{Our master plumber 😉 }
{We are SO happy with how it turned out!!!}
{We are SO happy with how it turned out!!!}
{Close-up of the gorgeous counter and sink... and me in the mirror! Hi!}
{Close-up of the gorgeous counter and sink… and me in the mirror! Hi!}
{I also went to town on getting organizers for the drawers on my side. Our old vanity only had cabinets, so it has been an adjustment now having drawers too. I found these great bamboo organizers and am loving them!}
{I also went to town on getting organizers for the drawers on my side. Our old vanity only had cabinets, so it has been an adjustment now having drawers too. I found these great bamboo organizers and am loving them!}


{First aid supplies and medicine is nicely organized now too... It's been so nice to have everything for the bathroom all in one room now. Novel concept!}
{First aid supplies and medicine is nicely organized now too… It’s been so nice to have everything for the bathroom all in one room now. Novel concept!}

Our bathroom project is so close to being done – we’re waiting to receive the ceiling light fixture and the art we ordered, and then we’ll be 100% done!

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