I want to thank our friends and family for being so supportive this week. It is comforting to know that we have so many people who care so much about us and about our sweet puppy. To some, a dog is a dog, but to us, our dog is a part of our family. She means so much to us!
This morning, Aspen woke up and was acting like a crazy puppy. Alex took her for a fantastic walk and she came back and ate breakfast. Then it was like a switch flipped and she became extremely lethargic and has been ever since. She had a short burst of aggressive energy around lunch and ate a bit, but now is back to sleep. Clearly, she is not doing well.
We have a vet appointment this afternoon with her regular veterinarian and have put a call in to another vet for a second opinion. Aspen proves to be a mystery dog, but we are seeing today that she is not doing well. Alex and I are preparing to make some difficult decisions in the interest of our puppy. For now, we are so thankful for the four months we have had with Aspen, but we are just so heartbroken that it doesn’t look like the cards are stacked in our favor for her to grow old with us.
In other news, my grandmother has been in ICU for the last few days with a bleak outlook. She has been given her last rights by a priest and our family who is near has begun to say their good byes. I’m not sure how much longer she has, but she is one spirited, tough cookie, and I will miss her dearly.
It’s times like these when it’s incredible to see my family coming together to support one another. Again, I so appreciate the support and kind words of encouragement. Thank you for helping Alex and me through this tough time.